“of course it is, was waiting for visualizing the Oh, when I heard you stumbled into it”
she then confesses, she has a “tendency to stumble” without an explanation
her answer is in her manner subtle, that instantly invigorates, so decidedly her style, her answer, raising more questions, defeating the illusion of anybody masculine overconfidence of the challenger
she puts the ”oy” in coy, deflating my upper-handed attitude, with an answer tantalizing and hinting, so simple, it explains everything and nothing
it seems that when she stumbles, it’s me that actually, “all fall down”
ah woman, when you best me, it brings forth the best and adds an “a” in this poetic beast, two play fighting cubs nipping each other. the in us gaming
in this wordplay game, so exciting, her subtle reasoning teasing results in a man as a happy sore loser