That smile of his Held the beauty of the world It was ever so charming and undeniably sweet Entrancing all those who lay eyes upon it There was a time where I once imaged I could even sell my soul if need be Whenever I saw his precious smile
Then I came to see The true colours behind that smile Twas like a poisonous flower Blooming and vibrant Luring in its fragile prey Bewitching it within its spell Intoxicated by the nectar Unable to ever leave
Upon revealing the truth That lay so evidently to preying eyes He had already long abandoned me leaving nothing but a memory of what was And a forever lingering taste of honey A sweetness upon my tongue
Though it is best to end this longing This yearning for that man Who's smile warmed my heart halting my breath but for a moment As if encased within a time When my entire world was composed of Only him and that devious smile