Everyone started to feel like they came back to life now. Everyone begs for a kiss Everyone begs for more time While I wanted to burn inside.
And all the girls have their heads in their lost dreams. I want to be ****** not to get involved. They have forgotten how love hurts. It seems they are not afraid of the smell of love. I do not want to inhale the scent, the last time I did it completely destroyed me.
I'm going to smoke cigarettes. I'm going to shake my head. I put the red lipstick on. I will drink . I'll get the best outfit. I dance the love songs.
But I will not talk about emotions here. Because it seems like everyone wants to romanticize broken hearts.
Dreamers like his strong scent. But it is not the smell of broken hearts, it is not the smell of summer on our skin, it is not the smell of flowers springing in the spring, nor of innocence. It's the smell of love. Love is in the air In the land of cold hearts. In a place of empty hearts and vibrations of misunderstood beings. The smell of love still seems to be in the air. It spreads as fast as if it were disease. So I'm going to get ****** so I do not get it. It spreads so fast and gives false euphoria. In the end, it disappears. We were disappointed after that.
We with unhealed wounds can not be involved in this communion of dreams and fantasies.
For some love is the only reason they exist.
Everyone seems poisoned by love. Because it will satisfy their unreal needs ... But knowing that it toxic and disappointment is unlimited. And when the pain comes , nobody wants to get involved.
Do not use drugs . Do not use love.
It seems to be metaphor for little poetry. But it is the nostalogy of love not understood.