Close me off, and stare me down. Please tell me this is it. Beggar true, and free me from the bounds. Hands are locked together, as they plead, whilst you sit.
Are you okay? Not too tired from when you hit again, and again, my existence into the ground. Close me off, and stare me down. Please tell me this is it.
I ache for the solace, and solace here you ripped me away from the choir of all sound. Hands are locked together, as they plead, whilst you sit.
Cling to me, and leave the bruises of your grip for all to see, when soon I want to be found Close me off, and stare me down. Please tell me this is it.
All those screams are left hanging, bury them quick. Let them stay hidden, leave them underground. Hands are locked together, as they please, whilst you sit.
Wave goodbye, and farewell. But first I must rip the mask from the face that is mine, as it looks down. Close me off and stare me down. Please tell me this is it. Hands are locked together, as they plead, whilst you sit.