the cascade of clear blue falls even in the midst of the furvous night the call of a bird echoes cross canyons composed of ages of old the glint off amber cliffs calls to the reflection of ancience floors of sandstone riddled with stagnant ghosts of footprints these paths were once walked by those larger than life
we search for purpose radiometrically estimating the desperation in the dating allowing our hearts to sink to an endless expanse of unexplored sediment grasping onto the aching for the pleasure beneath the pain self decay feels natural at the bottom of the ocean
peace comes naturally while disappearing into pieces it will find me upon the return of the rogue daughter to the expanse in which she belongs may my atomic descendents one day hold the fossils of my being between their fingers let the earth shake under the feet of whom possesses my bones and let them keep digging, let them excavate all of us whole
i don't like this! but my classmates did. from last semester :)