God speaks with impeccable timing Lining the mirror with silver Reflecting even the dimmest lighting So you notice that glimmer in your eyes... Inside I'm whirling with questions My curious mind, wresting with Indecision and panic at the promises I meant but might not honestly be able to keep... I know that I'm intelligent, but still Doubt clouds my judgement while Fear of death, or even worse, failure Drive me into situations I might regret... It's a miracle I'm still alive today By the hands of gracious people I narrowly escaped the legions gaze Moving out of the steeples vast shadow... Now, standing in the light, the Truth Watching my own shade stretch out Consuming the lovely Sun's warmth And twisting it with my short sighted ego... I wish I could understand because I don't have much faith in humanity But we're all just doing our best To try to make ends meet...