Fold you up like unwanted fat cook you into a rocky stew placed beneath a mantle of ice far enough away to be misconstrued
You are old laminated time And pillowed rock of incomprehensible Earlier than any lime Or sand, or sediment, or any kind You are the grandfather rock of mine
When I step with my inconsequential feet living but transiently I cannot help but be erased that even you hath but one resting place
All the plants and sands and ever since the very first we have always been ****** to this earth walking upon your bones I am sorry we cannot do more but you know your creator Speak in the same language in amalgamators of which we have forgot and for that I can say we are envious; are we naught?
Build softly, and carry us upon your thick crust like pizza dough, cooking and you let it sit Let us win, set us up drift us apart, leave us crushed build us, make us, break us, fill us
I want to be restored into your stony belt and be redeemed I want to become my own atomic fossil to connect with the universe through long-lost plotholes and once again hear the story as a young lad the way it was meant to be told
I want to eat dinner with my grandfather again my real sweet stony-chiseled cheeked father again to be loved a boy and a girl and the whole world a soul touched back into the deep left unshackled by a ***** or a queen please, take me back soon rather than let me turn into
Laurentia or Baltica or Gondwana alack smacked into new rock to form Urals and Tetons and Moher back
Carbonate or Silicate, and the end its the same It won't be the end for that fate rearranged