Thinking all day about things that won't happen Is a hobby you should avoid, else your mood will surely dampen But what can you possibly do when you think back to those days When life was so much better, even without that purple haze It's okay to reminisce, but too much of it leads to brooding Living in your world of dreams is unhealthy, even though it's soothing When things are bad I like to go down memory lane And re live past memories while trying to bury the pain But burying the pain only strengthens its roots No point in growing an apple tree if you can't reap its fruits This dream like state of mine has made me somewhat curious The questions are legit, yet my answers make me furious I'm at a conflict with myself and I don't know which one's right The dreams never seem to stop and I'm not talking about the ones at night Would you give anything to go back in the past, to save that relationship that was never meant to last? And even though you know you can never really change You'd make that empty promise to have your life neatly arranged These dreams are the result of the hearts numerous desires And so we avoid the truth and grow an affinity for the liars As humans we need some sort of goal to be able to mentally function Because only thinking without doing could lead to self destruction If you think too much about your past you're bound to get lost The present goes to waste and the future is the cost What will happen over time is not fully in your hand Some call it the Butterfly Effect and some call it God's Plan I could say things will get better, and you could say the same thing But to see that truly happen, you must be your own King