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Jul 2018
God your mighty to save;
On Ocean waters;
Of this life-
Despite all my wrongs;
Your still the person
You claim to be;
All your ways are right.

I've called upon Jesus name;
But I'm not stronger;
I just hunger-
For a different life.

God you say that Jesus-
and your word are light;
Help me to fight;
In a world that's forever night.

Lord, give me tender words-
Every truth;
Living proof;
That a heart can change.

Let all good change-
Be my reaction;
Dispite disatisfaction;
From a sin filled world.

I don't want be the enemy;
Can't they see;
Set me free;
I want to believe.

Let me die in your name,
All else is vain;
Help me not complain;
Wash away the stain.

Let life not be in vain-
It's time to rearrange;
I want to be yours-
Forever more.
I was trying to set it to the beat of "oceans", but oh, well.
Written by
Michelle  34/F/NH
   --- and Austin Ryskamp
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