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Jul 2018
Gone those days
When we waited for the perfect day
To propose
And express our feelings directed by our heart
Long plannings were made
To make the moment perfectly perfect
But we too feared and hoped
We don't hear a NO.
If it was a YES,
A smile from the other said was enough to let us know.
But if it was a NO,
Friends said, they had smelled that long time ago.
Some said you wasted so much money to buy those roses dear,
If I had known your intentions earlier
I wouldn't have let you do so.
Poor heart only felt the sorrows
It didn't bother about the financial loss
The almost empty pocket had got.
It only wished to fall in love and nothing else.
It only whispered softly and said
Let's fall in love
For all beautiful future days
Which will be happy and prosperous
If we are together forever from this day.
But no one was there to listen to our heart.
Only silent breeze and setting sun witnessed the drowning heart
Into the deep sea of sorrows and tears.
Those days love really mattered.
Those days sorrows were really heavy enough to shatter us.
But we never got demotivated Because
Loving friends were always there
To cheer us up and stand beside us.

These days everything seems so fake,
Even the words of love comes with asterisk conditions apply
That the beautiful words-
"Let's fall in love..... "
Seems less precious these days.
My latest poem
Moumita Mitra
Written by
Moumita Mitra  28/F/India
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