How the silence greeted her 1-2-3-4-5-alive-next five We dug deeper get-up sleepyhead Zzzz Clock 5:O clock went boom* Who met her expectation Oh! Dear feeling deprived Things exposed On the Network 5 But not like a **** painting Dear Boom all your relatives came in five Let's save your heart It goes boom Didn't come with gifts to bloom
High expectations realizing how low your smile five degree angle He's the high hands five mighty spirit didn't show to really live it The revelation he had this clock-wise reaction Hush hush sweet Charlotte curved her position Heirloom she was seated The pendulum going back and forth
Mr. Fort William Henry Lake George new birth It was all she could say she looked up at him Hearing a boom her eyes were his golden flames soothing piercing but painful as we know the war was heartbreaking
She wasn't sure what to make of the time He elapsed like the war within her legs of her flow Mommy Dearest Heirloom clocks At her beach house those charming ducks She hopes so strongly she didn’t jump into his frying pan of words like trying to read the top of the hour Her newspaper eating lemon chicken with capers
His second-hand clock tick tock But first, most importantly we cannot turn the clock back to undo the harm it caused But we certainly need new steps singing in the rain And relieving our dear ones how there stuck Getting unstuck but the stick of the worst Tacky glue Dealing with our negativity but keeping your chin high positive energy Here it is the song Day in and Day out how we listened to it over again
All you do is dig dig dig… how we conserve energy per unit time We put our energies into our brains With the things that don't have any use for us Whoa what a dig of nervous love energy fighting trying so hard to focus on sexuality Our bird and the bees Trying to balance our energy E=MC -2 that mass movement He booms my speed of light
the truth of things will set us free
Your the one going solo just go That pounding and higher ground How I feel like the piece of rare meat Clank clink there he goes boom Another drink What's to think my dead nail beat Strongheart needs attention to smooth the beats How he leveled all his baking cups to show her she was his equal
What happens to you when your day begins Do we have a second to think Have a French kiss Vermouth the warm drink How can we undo something How everything remains deep in our hearts? Something touched your hands it spooked your thoughts having a retouch being a good sports nothing gets to me I am not getting touched by your words me My dear boom wasn't enough explosive words We develop like a wasp of yellow jackets How does this entire world deal with such terrorism? Bloodstain pockets
But not having the time to tell someone you love them because your days come to close to the end The drummer boy or the a thousand drums marching soldiers like a bomb will succumb still on his limb
We visualize more what love really is All the basic pleasures or nightmares day in and day out like the song continues on your digging way down to find something it's huge so major song flat minor to the surface
The game isn’t over were out of love down to zero Like time management oxymoron time beyond like anger management regardless of our lives He retreated one arm against the mantelpiece his eyes surprised engagement turned clockwork burnt orange so irritated beyond a different time She was expressing her love and pain moment of time how she couldn’t gasp for air
The sensation got stronger how she was being watched making the right or wrong moves With an effort, she forced herself to straighten her body to behave but her the mind really needed to function He sensed the last word rock paper scissor boom of logs into the stillness of the room Emboldened she allowed herself to see the contour of destined time contours shaped his face
Like the French Emperor Napoleon power request so many derogatory stereotypes The morning mist was lifted by the time The Robin responsible for the past and future how different time became wanting my time back Like the Rehma time flow electric mechanical clock numbers How the Heirloom perhaps her time might have been doomed those deep digs Like the women movement Ane her deep mind Goddess of yoga her terra cotta hacienda Her name is Gina he was digging her nails She had the grace of a ballerina That dear core of our brain That cozy warm inviting library Orient train Digging out our old grandfather clocks some of the names Ingram 1828 Ansonia 1850 and Gilbert rocking pendulum newton equation of physics how were fighting for time and space getting into the light How someone is born with the proverbial silver spoon those compounding assets of his time clock heirloom faces To dig relive to hug a dear moment just goes boom But I will never change my old room
This is an ancient time of love story how something ticks like a clock but it works like a bomb feeling body numb we must move ourselves to another time is this possible dream or Heirloom change the scene like a love science