A Smile wavers,
Deep from a far away land,
Standing just waiting for the unknown wind,
Blew softly through my ear,
Sound of voices,
Echoes within me,
All those memories,
Olds and News,
Slowly creep within my bones,
Those moment of laughter,
Those moment of tears
Those moment of pain
Those moment of joy,
Make you think being alive is worth it
But the most is,
The moment you smile
and Said I Like You,
The moment when I hold your hand
The Inner warm that magically runs times
As it creeps fast through its clock
To hold your hair
And your lips
Pondering over you
As that beautiful smile disarm the bright stars
Even the moon stands in awe
As you tip toe,
To lock a kiss
As the sun strikes,
I Woke Up
To realize you are not with me,
To not remember whats your name is
To not remember who are you,
But deep inside you
Still wanders this feeling that unknown to you,
Willingly to accept her,
Even If the memories decided to kept itself within its cage
Those smile,
Those Lips
The warm of her hand and body
Make you realize,
Shes the one that was below the moon light
No of us could utter a word,
Even though we did met in a dream,
Suddenly without we even took notice,
Our Lips utter those words,
Those words that relinquish those wall between our memories
''I Love You''
My Blog : https://skykechik.blogspot.com/