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Jun 2018
Did the bright lights and broken skies blind you?
Did the shining gold of the fading distract you?
Did the glass and cement junglesΒ  blocked your view?
Did the shuffling of your green trump cards please you?
Did the black mirrors of today keep you as captives in their cages of self-praise and deceitful truths?
Did the burst of anger between one and another, and the absence of peace remind you of this life?
Did another life lost, remind you, that time, is lost?Β Β 
Did the Cross on a Church in your neighborhood remind you of the cost?
The cost that HE paid for, just so that he could have you in his arms,
That he can save you from the swallowing sands of this life,
to remind you to strive.
To strive for the reward waiting for you in heaven.
To have your spirit awakened.
To know that this is not it.
That this is not life.
That the golden statues of today and the virtual praises from virtual faces is not it.
That this life is so much more than this.
That finally, you could see,
there is so much more.......than these...
Thank you God!
Written by
forestfaith  18/M/Singapore
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