You cringeworthy, evil pismire; Your father did surely miss-sire This personification of flatulence, The embodiment of self importance Overflowing with abject peccancy Devoid of any sign of respectability Replete with gross odoriferousness Horribly and infamously unscrupulous.
You have reveled in misrepresentation And tried to elevate your calumniation Disinformation and deception exists As capitalistic dissembling persists. You’ve collected an evil government Built mostly of human excrement And have such a lack of veracity That you speak in constant mendacity.
Sycophantic eructations of dogmatic bile Issue from your unsympathetic smile And your inauthentic glad-handed gropes As if we all of us are unbright gullible dopes That buy your fabrications completely While you pilfer and prevaricate indiscreetly. You are a Vaudevillian villain miscast as star, But most of us know exactly what you are.
Deceit, deception, dishonesty; a tragedy But not for you, for us and our country. Distortion, evasion and fabrication the rules; You despair of any other kinds of tools. Falsehoods, fictions and forgery are your tricks. You demand we build with straw-less bricks Your erections that are planned to be palaces Filled with your giant golden carved phalluses.
Those monuments, inanotomically correct, Established to celebrate and somehow protect A mountebank on the way to an overseas bank Claiming to eradicate the scoria he creates That decades of privation will not quite alleviate. But you, the Great Prevaricator, will always blame Other players in your sick, unconstitutional game Instead of admitting your complicity and guilt About the disgusting, putrid swamp you built.