Mercy came to me like the answer to my prayer As I live every day on borrowed time.
Do you know of such value, O fellow mere mortals? Judgment postponed Death delayed Life blessed Grace given Forgiveness bestowed.
Mercy came to me by the means of a friend the answer to my prayer who prayed for me
As I stirred on to seek the deep wonders of God.
I whispered and sighed, "How can this be?" I screamed and cried out in the wilderness beholding in awe glory, majesty wrath.
Still, mercy came to me like the sweet answer to my prayer consoling and attending to all my dreaded fears.
Mercy came to me in the likes of a Person who loved me and gave Himself for me.
And now I live on borrowed time making the most of every opportunity while my judgement is postponed, death is delayed, life blessed, grace given, forgiveness bestowed.
In time, mercy comes to me and now I freely give as I have been given.