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Jun 2018
Harrys POV:
My tear stained cheeks
My sobs re being blocked from the pillow
Why did I let you go
Thats right
Because I was breaking you
You were a sweat girl
And I broke you
You did everything for me
I love you Alexis
I love you more than anything
More then I thought I could love
I dont know how I am going to stay away
I dont think I can
"Im sorry. Lexi. Let me love you in the way i can express. Im going to be a better man than before. I love you"
I made it worse
Why did i just send that text message
"I love you Harry. Please come back."
My heart skips a step
My tears keep falling
My tough act is down.
No one has seen me like this
A boy with tattoos and piercings
Noone but you Lexi
I love you
More than anything
I love you
This is #2 from my novel.
Written by
Crystal  15/F/Earth
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