What happened to the land of the free? What ever became of American equality? When was The Great Take-back begun? What became of “with malice toward none”? What happened to rich people’s responsibilities? When did we decide our peers were enemies? Why didn’t we learn from the Great Depression? Why are we letting them set up another session?
Eenie meanie mighty mo, when is it fine to hire a **? Hickory slicker zippity zopp, when is this b.s. going to stop?
Why have we let ourselves think like adolescents? Why do we keep liars and cheaters in our presence? It’s up to us each who what lies we should tolerate, So when does being a mountebank go out of date? When do we start fighting and hitting bullies back When they make it known they’re on the wrong track. How many times will they have to lie and steal For the rest of us to know their villainy is real?
Fluster and bluster and flippity flopping, confidence is dropping We can no longer trust our leaders to protect, so let’s reject.
When did all of our statesman turn into real estate’s men? When did the human in humanity cease to matter at all? What makes half the country vote for a scoundrel horde? What did our country accomplish by dropping the ball? Why have we become the people we used to dislike so And now we are the ones who arm and **** each other? And why do we still have many lifetimes or more to go To finish paying for murdering and pillaging our brothers?
Questions, suggestions, all are loudly ignored by them, Our leaders whose sense of decency has grown dim.