They fly from my tongue like sparks from a fire Those hurtful words aimed at the objects of my admiration Because I cannot hold them when they are so high up So I must tear them down from the sky to cradle them in my arms
It may seem ironic to destroy those pretty stars So bright that they shine even in the darkest of nights But I simply cannot sleep when they gleam like jewels Beaming technicolor through my plain window
And call me a fool for being a destructive bigot Filled to the brim with selfish desire so that I have no room for love But isn't it so much easier to covet and scorn Those constellations in the sky where I have no place?
And as I gaze at the pure black blanket void of all light After I have bulldozed everything around me So that I am the highest point on Earth I realize how much I miss the Big Dipper
The Milky Way is huge, an expanse so great That even I can have a spot of my own; it's free real estate Among Leo, Gemini, and Pisces, I can have one to call mine A world of my own where I may do as I see fit
So instead of loathing those with which I have not Instead of hating those with more fortune or glory Understand that each of us has something special inside To contribute to that network of stars seen when the sun goes down