I allow my mind to wander, to show myself a new story. Self-portrait a picture of reality, or let my imagination draw me, Into the darkness and beyond; into the never seen. A leap into the unknown, every time I open my mind And close my eyes to dream…
Every thought different; we are all of us, unique. We see our dreams so clearly; they are our own stories. Sometimes we love, what it is that we see, But nightmares can come too, for the unlucky few. So to glimpse into a deep well is to risk a view.
Do we peer into the dark? Do we follow our hearts? Do we believe what we see? Or do we take our minds off of who we really are?
We are dreamers of dreams, creators of stories; Painters of pictures. Nobody can say your dreams are boring. That is for you to decide for yourself. Will you enjoy tonight’s sleep? Will you have a pleasant dream? Only time will tell…
And so you tell your favourite dreams, To any being who is willing to listen. As you feed your words into their machine mind, Time is always ticking…
As you once more sleep inside your dreams, You might wake up tomorrow And have forgotten all that which you have seen. Tomorrow’s dream is already there; Patiently it is waiting. It could be replaced with the news of today, But the dreams of the future are already there…