He was a compulsive liar, A cunning spider, That spun silken webs of lies, People were drawn into it like flies. With his skills and uncanny ways, He finally had his says, He spat easily poisonous deceits, That made you clench your fists. He was charming and charismatic, In weaving lies artistic. For him lying had become a ritual, Sort of habitual. His descent was gradual, Down to nothing from a pedestal. He lost people's trust and credibility. He was known for dishonesty, As such he stained his name in society. He was scoffed,"There goes liar,liar." At first he excused his lies were misinterpretations, Or may be miscommunications. His lies ruined his friend's life, He lost the trust of his family,son and wife. He realised when he had lied, He had committed suicide. He had burnt all his bridges, He had dug his own ditches. To have his life back, He had to stop lying and bring everything on track.