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Apr 2018
Maybe I can rewrite time
Change who i really am
Become a new person
Everyone will be like ****

Maybe I can fix myself
Paint my face with bright colours
Makeup does the trick
The boys will get flutters

Maybe I can become more wanted
By losing a bunch of weight
Going to the gym weekly
I could even get a date

Maybe I can change my style
Become beautiful and bright
Updating my closet
I could light up the night

Maybe I could become more intelligent
By studying a lot more
I could improve my grades
Then I wouldn't be as dumb as before

Maybe I can change my personality
Make it perfect and right
then everyone will love me
They would be filled with delight

Maybe I should learn to accept
That I can't change who I am
No makeup nor items of clothing
Can distinguish who I am

For I am, me
With all the faults and scars
Nobody is perfect
We are just one of a million stars

So maybe in the end
I can wish and hope with all my might
But even if i did change all these things about me
I doubt that I could ever be satisfied
As acceptance is the true key
There are so many things I want to change about myself but then if i did become perfect, What would be left of the real me?
Written by
Nyx  21/F/Shadows of the Opera
(21/F/Shadows of the Opera)   
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