I watch you as you lick your fingers and laugh at the funny man on your cellphone while the clouds above your head outside the taco bell are not real while you breathe in the poisons you can't see
I watch you as you dance in the fairytale of non disclosure that the box displays that the news portrays the fictional truth the yodeling boy in Walmart captivates while pleas from those who see the truth fade like the voices of trees and bees and empty seas
I watch you as you shed tears for a dying love but close your heart to a dying planet the clock ticking the hours wane
I watch you picking out the last car you will own working so hard to get that promotion and you know you're so much better as you ponder sugar substitues
through red and tired eyes tears loaded with nano particles and other poisons I watch you drown in your blindness your sad brainwashed life your own slow suicide
tonight, before you begin your final sleep open your eyes just wide enough to see you could have stopped this
feeling particularly dark today - I guess I'm just getting tired of internalizing