sometimes in the darkest moments of the darkest nights, i forget You can hear me.
sometimes in the brightest moments of the brightest days i forget i need You.
i forget the feel of your voice i forget how it slipped into the ridged fingerprint of my soul. i forget the whisper of your love i forget how it sounded when You spoke the truth and i ignored it.
i forget that all the static of my failures should not overcome the melody of Your Spirit. i forget how to listen and believe because i am so used to lying to myself that the truth seems impossible; just out of my undeserving reach.
oh Lord, i am undeserving my hands have dirt and filth and blood caked under the fingernails and painted in the creases of my palms. my skin is tainted. i am not whole. but i am also undeserving of the things i have whispered to myself in the shadows of my depression.
You tell me things that i don't think i need to hear. for years, i've refused. i've so foolishly claimed my own wisdom. i am not wise. i am not deserving.