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Apr 2018
Coming soon to a planet near you
Air we can't breathe
Plants we can't chew
If the EPA has it it's way
The skies will blacken
The rivers will burn
Automobiles will be our ruin
Heat our houses,
Cool our stores
America will still use More and More
Rachel Carson saw this coming our way
Citizens cried enough is enough
It's time we made polluters
Eat their own stuff
Then along came an administrator
Determined to ****
Not only the laws
But the people as well.
Rachel made sure that DDT went away
and by that research
We still have eagles today.
Eagle the symbol of America still
But with more pollution
We are determined to ****.
**** the law and thereby **** the people.
What did God say
"The earth is mine, sayeth the Lord."
That is not exactly what God said. Here are a few verses with what was said concerning taking care of the earth. Isaiah 24:4-6, Job 12:7-10,
Leviticus 25:23-24, Deuteronomy 10:14, Deuteronomy 20:19, Psalms 95:4-5.
Written by
Sandra Lee
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