I’m drowning in your holy water Though you got it from the tap. I’d pray about it, but why bother? I’d be just another kind of sap. I’ve heard your words for a lifetime And they still don’t make much sense. They seem to support your lifestyle, Earn you enough to pay your rents.
I’ve read your documentation through And I’m not buying the whole deal. It may sound good to people like you But, I am convinced it is not real. You take the words of millennia ago And interpret them far too liberally. You brag about caveman miracles And quote from them too literally.
Then changes happened the time That Yeshua guy hit the world stage And things switched from god, to The 'worship of a human being' age. That’s a reversion back in time To when we knew so little about What lightning was and also how Babies got started and came out.
Now, twenty one hundred years After our Anno became Domini, People are still bending down To kiss a ring that means naught to me. I have no trouble having reverence for People who act like a holy spirit But rockstar status for preachers? I want nothing more to do with it.
As long as the poor and weak starve Churches don’t need my wherewithal. As long as the downtrodden suffer True abomination is a huge cathedral. I know this will offend some of you Who find gods in the clouds comforting; Believe slick tent preachers and priests Deserving of mansions and gold trappings.