I don’t like it when people change That’s my problem All my best friends from home I have known all my life And when they change it’s gradual I growth with them We are intertwined But here, at college It is different and people change rapidly I don’t have time to keep up I don’t have time to analyze who they are anymore I can’t keep up with their changing moods and wants It’s exausting and that’s why I lost all my friends I couldn’t keep up so I got kicked to the side No pity please it’s a good thing They create chaos and facilitate dysfunction only visible to the outside I’m better now for this loss and I like myself better I no longer sit in the dark crying over the loss of their love I thrive with my new friendships of loving people with my own interests and aspirations and values Starting anew is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done But oh am I happy to be on the other side