There is a hole in me it's a perfect circle No need to pinpoint the location It's not as if anyone could fill it Even if they knew exactly where it is
There is a hole in me Maybe it encompasses my field You see it in my hands or in my back This hole doesn't have a bottom Maybe it could, but it's like the ocean Too deep to measure without giving myself to it
I've dumped many relationships in this hole accuse me of ****** but no one will find their bodies I've had some people climb down there on their own volition thought they could be my archeologist save me from this emptiness I never saw them again
If a stranger happens to run into it, I'm prepared for this I've wrapped caution tape and neons signs with the words "slippery when wet!" And another sign that says "construction at work, drive slowly" Another sign says "Not liable for any accidents, procceed at your own risk"
At night I hold a flashlight to the hole and see spiderwebs but no spiders made of jagged rocks other than that I see no sign of life sometimes when I'm feeling pointless I take a shovel and toss some dirt down Hopeful that could make a difference When the wind hits 75 mph in my head the hole E C H O E S Β Β it has powerful acoustics sometimes eery mostly hollow but often sounds like a mountain lion in heat
There is a hole in me that might never be filled or tapped for well water This hole was created by a broken family A Mother and A Father And now passed on to the daughter
Because of this hole I am suggestible to fall in other holes like the depression hole it's very dark in there and millions of people are in it but no one is aware they aren't alone and once you're there no one plans on getting out or the financial hole where people in fancy suits consistently throw down reciepts or call out your name but never lend a helping hand Or the desperation hole where creepy men lurk in the shadows begging to give me money if I undress them and open my legs with my eyes shut
there could be something for me Somewhere down there in my hole A secret I need to know or a way into another world But I am too scared to fall in and let go It could be the death of my ego
Wish I could have a family. Feel like an orphan. Now I just want my own family. But a healthy family not a cursed passed down from generations.