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Mar 2018
What do your friends describe you as?


”Close your mouth”
“Don’t say a word”
“Whatever you were going to say
doesn’t matter anyway”

These thoughts have run
through my head
around and around
for so many years
Hurtful words I took from
good people:
my friends

I talk too much
just won’t SHUT UP
even when I drill it my head
again and again
that people have left me
because I was too selfish
too open
too ready to tell a story
I just can’t stop
I just keep opening up
I hate myself for making this
pitiful poetry account
there’s nothing worse than
complaining to strangers

I’m sorry
I’m so sorry
I complain too much
I talk too much
I just can’t help it anymore
I want to be heard
and I’ve tried to be quiet for too long


I’m annoying
so ******* annoying
always has been
always will be
spilling words and emotions
at any chance I get
By now
everyone around me
just wants me to shut up
they say that they don’t
that like what I say
and conversations with me
are actually really fun


That’s what they all said before
I’m gonna regret posting this and complaining again. Look here, the annoying kid posting about her feelings again, what a surprise
empty seas
Written by
empty seas  15/F/away
     may and ---
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