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Mar 2018
I was awestruck by the sublime heat of our love which filled every jagged and rugged crevice of my soul.
But it only took a lightening bolt and soon we were dusting its ashes from our clothes
It burned swiftly like the scorching indian summer when we first met
Your hazel eyes glued to mine
The sultry southern wind could do nothing to calm your untamed passion that i innately knew would perfectly rival mine
The swooping birds whistled your lovesong
Tickling me tainting my dreams with specs of reality
Everything felt so inevitable
Maybe i was naive or
Stupid enough
I coudnt smell any warning
Maybe i was inebriated by your smouldering scent
Or did i deliberately turned a blind eye
Or a deaf ear when the placid waters of the tranquil lake began to roar
Impelling me
Trying to save me from going astray
But my heart knew you would save me
If only i knew
That you never ever felt the same
Cause you were never the one to stay
Praggya Joshi
Written by
Praggya Joshi  24/F/India
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