Her fingers run through my hair, bringing purpose to my life.... Old demons creep back Only to haunt me Igniting flames from the smoldering embers of a dark and buried past....
Her fingers run through my hair, bringing purpose to my life....
One sip, one taste, one drunk How easy it is to crawl back into this fast. But this only dulls the pain This cure does not last...
Her fingers run through my hair, bringing purpose to my life....
It's unsettling to submit to the good and trusting it will last... When in this play called life, the part of villain is the only role We have been cast...
Her fingers run through my hair, bringing purpose to my life...
With faith I extinguish the flames With hope I quench my thirst With love I allow myself a new future and with it a glorious past...
Her fingers run through my hair, bringing purpose to my life