the silence never bothered me before- quiet between two so intertwined is not uncomfortable like the silence it is merely absence of sound -but it bothers me now all but consuming my mind
and i say nothing and you say nothing and everywhere there is nothing
i pray for the radio to work its charm with those magic changes give me a song to sing give me anything that would be better than this small talk between two so intertwined
"you're awfully quiet," you say and i say nothing because my right brain has a lot to say but my left brain knows not to say it
i want to say, "i know that you don't want me here" the thought, clear like perfectly formed ice, echoes through my mind: (i know that you don't want me here, i know that you don't want me here...) somehow that is the one thing worse than the deafening silence because it's the truth and we both know it
i want to scream, "can't you see i'm hurting?" it's written all over my face in smiles that don't reach my eyes in lips joined in vowed silence
"i miss you," you say and i say nothing but i want to be the braveheart and cry something bold, like "if that is so then how come when i'm here your face is illuminated by a phosphorescent glow?" but i hold my tongue i know my thoughts are wicked yet they are my thoughts
and i say nothing and you say nothing and the silence says everything