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Feb 2018
I don’t know even know where to start.
As a matter of fact
My heart aches, It feels like someone took a hammer and crushed it into a million pieces.
No poetry pieces can explain this feeling
No kind of speeches can explain her reasons
My boneless heart is broken and needs healing
I just want you to know I’m not mad at you.
I’m just upset, disappointed, and sad.
My heart is bleeding as a result of your stab I’m upset because I fell so madly in love with you.

And like a resturant menu there were many options but you is who I chose
I swear, I’m disappointed because you can’t see how amazing we were.
I was a fool to think that you actually wanted me.
See,I think the hardest part for me is the memories.
The memories i will forever hold onto for centries.
I can still feel your lips trace my body.
I can still hear my heart call you shoddy
I can still feel the warmth of your arms wrapped around me as we slept through the rainstorm.

I can still feel the sweet words and promises you made when you were tryna brainstorm me
The time you sang your heart out to me while looking into my eyes still haunts me every night.
I think the worst part is, you made me feel like the most lucky man in the world.
I hate that I let you take that away from me.
I hate that I feel empty without you.

The sad thing is, if you were to ask me for a second chance I would give it to you despite how bad you hurt me.
I miss you.
You were the best thing to ever happen to me, and for that I’m thankful for what we had.
Happy Vals Day ❤️
Zerben The SPOKENgod
Written by
Zerben The SPOKENgod  M/West Africa- Ghana
(M/West Africa- Ghana)   
   Captain Lucas
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