Concrete jungle with swarms of people more like robots, less like humans, always running after something, round-the-clock, and striving for something, without even knowing what. Confused, lost souls forgotten to smell the rose, give away time freely as if time were endless. Life is measured in- how many degrees you earned and the figure you have for your salary. Families at home, often neglected, but we are doing it all for them, and not for showing off to the society. Relationships are more for- status updates and Instagram likes, but we don't have time for each other, except may be on Valentine's day, cause that is mandatory to glorify our unconditional love to the world.
The cities are filled with buildings after buildings, but let's fill up that waterbody too; there's no room for people after all; who needs the greenery or nature? Let's take it all. We are humans. We are supreme. Everything is ours to claim and reign.
What a grand delusion we live with!
What have we done to the world? What have we made of ourselves?