Burned lips, charcoal lungs prowling for a breath. Death wags its tail smells for a flesh to sink its teeth into. Mortal man; Entangled in the sweet web of addiction. Caught in a suicidal company. Yet, never strayed. Something beats within my frame. A rotten heart. Shallow, but it evokes pain. Eyes dimmed by apathy. My bleeding wrist soaked the canvas in red.
Instable mind, Infected void, A vulnerable body which greets the morning with a fever. Between the fingers holding a brand new *** subsides the itching. Mediocre, Lacking lustre, Pushing pain into poetry and prose. Subconsciously, I, emulate the old dogs and the papery white moon smirks at my endeavour.
With a razor, With a rope, I, tried to bid this poet a farewell. But, he never departed. Madness off the leash, Broken tiles of dreams pave the floor. Not the stars. But, Hung bodies crowded the sky. I'm a cheat, a thief. Sadness in a vessel. A dying light in the night and what made you think you could save me?