Don’t be afraid to take a big step, you can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps. David Lloyd George
Chasm The definition of chasm can come in two forms 1. A deep fissure in the earth, rock, or another surface. 2. A profound difference between people, viewpoints, feelings, etc.
Taking a big step is needed to cross both. To get over both and fetch for sanity. To reach for the furthest branch To take the leap To jump and release.
Plummet towards the earth. Lose all sense of reality Master containing hope. Just don’t let go of that rope.
Dangling from the tree of life Channeling the strength to fight No other human in sight. Hindered by the gift of design. Hindered by the thought of this lie.
Desperate to forge tonight Hold my body up to the light. This law we cant defy. Is this all we’re willing to try?