How jealous I am of your photo you have uploaded... How I want to remove that nobody saw it I want your life-giving laugh belonged only to me As if others see, it will shorten my lifetime
You know how to make me sick, you have a talent You have detected my endless ability to lament Maybe you know the way of driving sufferers mad But you are not aware of being loved with hatred
Yes! I deserve you! Now I begin to fight! I cannot be with you, but I live you within myself, Although one day your prince charming 'troll' Will tell the rotten lie that loves you most of all...
He will have to take me into account also Of course, if he is able to solve 1/0... You are inside me, living but not existing, You belong to me even mathematically...
You belong to me much more than everyone As step by step, I approach your absence As much as we live and survive in this life In fated infinity, you will always be being mine
It will always approach only infinity But it will never be able to be zero And I am happy that there is no other way In any case, I can't go back old futility