A mere few days And we had almost Gotten back together
I got you a present And you saw our future But I guess love much like you Is not that simple It’ll show you the best And give you the worse When you least expect it
And so it was When you confessed To your lies And broke me once again
But this isn’t about me Or my heart that you broke Or my souls that you consumed Or my mind that you poisoned
This is about you And your blatant lies The ones you fed me with love For breakfast lunch and dinner
This is about how I trusted you Blindly and unconditionally If the words came from you They were default correct for me
This is about how you had no guilt As you pretended To be someone you’re not And showed me a you That didn’t even exist
And I don’t want the you That exists
The you that exists is a liar The you that’s real is a cheat
But look at my misery I say i love you When I don’t even know **you
I could take anything....I could take anyone but a lie and a liar in the form of the person closest to me ****