it's embarrassing but it's true. i just googled "how to fall in love". and i googled "how to fall in love" because i am not in love right now and i really, really want to be. my google searchings were inconclusive and i am just as unsatisfied mind, body, and spirit as i was when i started typing "h" into the search bar there is nothing in my heart right now. my mother knocked and no one was home. it makes me anxious: how did i go from someone so overwhelmed by the enormity and ever-presence of her emotions to someone so void of them that i feel an echo in my chest when someone says my name? i've also googled sociopathy, but apparently i'm not one of those. so here i am, somewhere on a sliding scale between all or nothing. and i report from the field that it is not, in fact, all or nothing. i know i'm not alone out here, but it sure does feel like it, when i reach out and even shadows don't reach back. it's not like i've already accepted dying alone but it's not looking likely that i'll be marrying my college sweetheart, either. i just want my feelings back. is there a link to that in the first page of google results? i'll even pay for shipping, i guess.