Oh Donald Trump may be an angry, narcissistic fool; A racist, a misogynist and all-round half-baked tool. Upon his nation and the world, he represents a curse, but all of that's okay, you see, for Hillary was worse!
Oh Hillary, she had mad cow and syphilis and rabies. She drank the blood of virgins and she lived to dine on babies, and from her eyes shot laser beams while on a broom she flew. In every way she's crooked, for The Donald says it's true!
She once was witnessed soaking in a lava-filled hot tub, where she was playing footsie with her pal, Beelzebub! To the Gulf and Caribbean she released the hurricane. She brings the earthquake, fire, plague, and drought and flooding rain!
Although she now is history, with influence no more, we must all hate her while The Donald's failings we ignore. So while Trump spews his hate and puts all progress in reverse, we must embrace his evil ways... For Hillary was worse!
You can also see this and my other Trumpoems performed at: trumpoet.com. Link: https://youtu.be/OMMJcCp7Esc Written: November 18, 2017