I think The definition of being "Emotionally Unstable" Is dropping a pencil on the floor And wanting to cry Not Because of the pencil falling But the irony Of how you are able to pick up an inanimate object But unable To pick up yourself
It is Reading a book And Looking at the words Yet Not truly seeing them Rereading the first page 100 times Hoping to find the meaning That your life Seems to have lost
It is Dropping things for no reason Because you're too numb To feel your own fingers But feel too much To let go And forgive yourself
It is Worshipping the hands of the clock Like a savior As if every passing minute will bring you to a better future Not realizing that every passing minute Is a vice That never seems to loosen its hold On your consciousness
It is Writing poetry In hopes That one day You will better understand yourself Through words on a page Than through your own mind Hoping That you will no longer be a subconscious stranger Occupying your own thoughts And misleading The girl you wish to be.
Today I almost started crying In class after dropping a pen on the floor. It made me realize that no matter how long I ignore my feelings, they will never ignore me.