Someday I'll have good news to share. I'm sorry that I only tell the parts of me I want to tear away and send to burn in hell.
My life is a bit complex-- work and school and family pull at me, and make me vex my friendships and my ministry.
My body is shutting down; I can't keep up with myself. Sorry that I always frown when my heart comes off the shelf.
Trust me: I want nothing more than to be a better me but I'm still a bit unsure what the end result would be.
I just want to share my heart, to share what I keep inside but, for now, I cannot start until in peace I will reside.
I can't give what I don't have (it's quite sad, but it is true) I can't split myself in half while my parts are still askew.
Yes, I want to love you well, but I'm not in a good place to seek what makes my heart swell-- I'd be lying to your face.
This life isn't permanent-- I am still transitioning into whomever I'm meant to be living as, freely.
I'm not sure when I started titling my songs like FOB, but I'm not complaining.
I'm drowning in a hole I dug myself into. Change is coming. Life will slow down. But for now, I'm sorry to be such a downer when you ask how my day's been.