You know the feeling that you get when you miss a step That feeling when you turned right when you should’ve turned left? When everyone has left, that’s not the type of feeling that you should get Doctors say it’s not normal to feel like you’re falling While lying down in bed Then say the drugs will make you stop feeling And it won’t be all that bad I do exercises that help me with my breathing And I listen to what is said But You know that feeling that you get when you’ve tried something for the fifth time And it still hasn’t worked That feeling when everyone is telling you to stop worrying, And still that feeling lurked Doctors don’t know what causes that feeling to stay longer that it should They say it’s a chemical problem Do they understand that they haven't really made a breakthrough yet And I’m afraid I know the problem This can only be understood by those who have felt it Doctor, this guessing game, is not working for your patients believe them
When they say it’s hard to wake up, it’s not just physical fatigue When they say it’s hard to cheer up, it’s not just a chemical lack of harmony When they say it’s hard to go on, it’s not just the brains longing for the happy pill
The soul is ill
I'm so tired you guys. I can't go on living and no one gets it. Even my medication doesn't know what to do... it's driving me crazy. I'm venting. Gosh I'm useless.