I drop the keys on the counter and I am ready to tell you everything there ever was about me.
Things that flit through my mind so fast I only remember them When my mind has nothing better to do and still they are gone in an instant.
I can feel the muscles release in my body and as I lay here With my mind numb from all the previous encounters I've had and I still only have one wish.
A wish I have desired ever since I was young and I think I will continue to do so when my bones are so old they are about to break and that would be that I still wish there was a way to communicate a feeling through a feeling, without speaking a single word.
There are just some feelings you can't describe by words and some ways my brain can't form the sentences to tell you what I want to say.
Just wish you could feel this, The exact way I feel it.
Still don't think this poem describes this feeling. Still don't know if people get it. I haven't been able to find the words I'm looking for.