What happened to us... was worse than a break upyousee,
I mourn you as if you were dead. silent memories of you were all that remained
you cut me out, and gone without a trace.
NOW my guts are sprawled out, naked and exposed, it hit me like aTRAINOUTOFNOWHERE
It was worse than a break up it wasn’t sweet and gentle
you decided to cut every connection and leave me with the phone, trying to figure out why the line was dead
This was worse than a break up I was giving and I shared joys- splendor- Secrets- hoping to heal your holes but now I’m sitting here writing and collapsingIntoMyself because I am missing so much
This was worse than a break up because I mourned for you
never bothered to tell me if you were dead NEVER bothered to care
in your hour of pain you shared the wealth. I care for you STILL but that’s all this is now
I wish this was a break up.
Apparently too much love can drive people to a point in which they leave with out a trace or warning. And sometimes, its those you least expect.