We are always trying to get away The Winter is dark, and cold, and im terrified because I might get bad again I would move far away Somewhere warm
When we grow up, We grow out of hometown angst you made me find the beauty in Winter The beauty in such a familiar place Memory Family The places where we were happy Why are we always trying to get away
You came back and you said “I forget how much I miss this place” “I forget how much I miss you” You bought a my Chemical Romance album on vinyl It’s comforting to know you still have as much angst as I do
We climb to the top of the parking garage the last time that year Alice is gone Off-white paint replaces her face I still lock arms with you like I use to It’s cold But its beautiful You hold my face in your hands I look away to see our entire world encased in ice and orange lights You sometimes feel like coming home Like my hometown
It’s early I saw the footprints in the snow and remember years ago seeing footprints in the sand and realizing the people who left them had their own thoughts and feeling The fresh snow glistens and I suddenly found beautiful The wind took my breath away Not figuratively literally I can’t breathe Why don’t I have a ******* scarf
We have unfinished business At 3:35 in the morning you texted me “I guess we could kiss again” You’re like my hometown When I look at you I see cold nights in your car Hands somehow finding each other in the dark when we aren’t looking The pier Cutting my foot at the lake, you kept telling me DON’T LOOK DOWN IT’S NOT BLEEDING THAT BAD it was. you bought me ice cream after
You’re like my hometown you’re memory Family The one that made me happy Why are we always trying to leave
You bought another My Chemical Romance album on vinyl And you wrote a song about a girl with pink hair and someone you called a “rambunctious ****” You have so much angst but so do i I miss you.