. Silver charms on an anklet ****** as her foot stamps down once, crossed dainty in front of the other, and her hands start a slow ascent. From hips up into the air in the nonchalant action of the flame, arcing a half circle about her waist she turns to face the assembled crowd.
A tabla starts a sleepy beat and the sitar player awakens, or returns from a meditation, readying himself for his introduction, to blend a melody of the Moon with the woven movements of dance. The beat increases and four taps signal a change in the rhythm. The following note is punctuated by the tinkling of the charms and the first strum of the sitar, sending music to the starry sky.
And her hips sway in gentle waves as her hands mimic the lotus flower in cups of dreams above her head, and the anklets jangle a soothing sound. The wrists twist and move graceful, delightfully twinned with the neck of a swan, and her body sways like a leaf in the wind to the melody from ages past.
The tabla starts a frantic beat as the sitar player lets fly, his new unrestrained chords dilute the night with ecstasy. And she dances in her trance, skin shining with the dew of reflected joy, her lithe body telling the story that began before the dawn of time. A crescendo summons the dance to end and silence fills the void, but far into the deep dark night silver charms on an anklet ******.
. An evening spent in the Rajasthan desert in a nomads camp, with the stunningly beautiful Jaiselmer sandstone fort in the background changing colour as the sun set in the west. .