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Aug 2017
The taste of cold in the air is as still as your body as you sleep,
Warm enough to live, cold enough to chill, ever so sweet.
Frost covers the final leaves of Fall,
Glistening white, fueling the withdrawal.
Don’t feel as though we are nearing the end, my dear.
For by my side, I assure you have nothing to fear.
The birds flock south for the winter,
But not us, we stay behind to freeze and wither.
The heavy air holds steady silence,
Hold my hand and we’ll resist the violence.
A city of hearts is abandoned in ruin,
Only we remain here, warming this empty tomb.
I will shield your eyes from such a mournful sight,
I will remain here with you- I will be your light.
Time can stand still, but continues moving forward.
I promise we will not be silent forever, for one day we’ll be heard.
Let our voices warm the air,
Let us break the silence- It’s only fair.
We are not welcome here, but we have hearts beyond compare.
Written by
Mack  16/F
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