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G Rog Rogers
Aug 2017
-A Lucid Dream
She came to me
within a dream
Somewhere there
betwixt and between
Where all you see
cannot always be believed
And all is more
beautiful than
can ever be
known or seen
My eyes were amazed
by the wondrous sight
She standing before me
as though devine
Crying Her tears
of golden light
Her words were sure
Her grief then true
I could not begin
to comprehend
what I saw
and what I knew
In this moment
She was
perfect and pure
She wept as She spoke
of a great disgrace
The destruction of
an Holy Place
where We once
there were wed
A sacred chapel
where solemn vows
were said
Gone it's gone
it has been destroyed
Her cries of anguish
tore at my heart
I could not believe
such tragedy occurred
My words were
They couldn't
They never would
This is just a rumor
that you have heard
The chapel is protected
by law and truth
and by the powers
from all above
She was there
but just a little while
My eyes then opened
and I recognized
She had been with me
She had appeared
This was the moment
I knew it all was
so very real
I then heard
the blast of horns
from the great ship's
on the LA Bay
And knew I must find out
I must go back
and see someday
I traveled far
I journeyed high
But still I wondered
if the chapel stood
Knowing I must
go back there
To know what must
and should be seen
to be understood
Time then went on
as several years
they came and then went
I remembered and decided
I must go back to see
if this Holy place
might still exist
As though on
a mission sent
My travels went beyond
and then I returned
to that city where
my life there once was
I went there to see
If the chapel remained
But when I arrived
the chapel was gone
Real and a fact
The evidence seen
A vision of an Angel
who seemingly Devine
therein descended within
a lucid dream
The purest
of knowledge
The absolute Truth.
Mystery or Mysticism
It is all just what it seems.
Written by
G Rog Rogers
M/Los Angeles
(M/Los Angeles)
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