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Aug 2017
My heart is humming a song
While sorting the things that went wrong
He was part of my unworded song
And I kept going on for long
Now, the storm has started within
Drops of tears cast as rain
My face, it's always been
While my heart sang in rhythmic vain
My lips won't utter a word out
Thou my wounded soul gave a silent shout
The stubborn mind played my ego beats
Pushing me a few steps down
Remembering all the missful treats
Of how lifes been a ridiculous clown
Once was a fragranced flower bloom
Now, am a paper cut flower, laying in my room
Hoping to hear from him, one last time
To ****** my feelings again and accept his crime
But wrong was I, he worded my song
And sang it right all the way long
He kissed my hand and romantically apologized
For all the wrongs, he finally realized
Our love is strong, till to date
Wedding bells on, just few days is a wait...

This is a fictional daydream write.
Written by
Seema  41/F/Fiji Islands
(41/F/Fiji Islands)   
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