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Jul 2017
I don't wanna tell you it hurts
That I wasn't ready to let go
That somewhere
Between today and yesterday
I made up lies
To convince myself
That I wasn't attached
But I was wrong
Cause it was after
The anger
and the arguing
When you held me close
That I realized
I missed you.
That somewhere between
Today and yesterday
You'd become a home
A muse
You'd taken stone and straw
And built a place
In my heart
That I never managed
To invite you in to
Because I was too busy
Waiting on a foundation
To build a roof and walls
But I forgot
Between today and yesterday
There's more than one way
to enter a heart
And somewhere between
Today and yesterday
I remembered
There is more than one way to break it
Jan 28. 2015
Written by
Taylor Kennerly  22
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